I show You how I made $1,006 from $100, then $257,000 from $1,006 with Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies!

vendredi 1 janvier 2021

Index funds

Crypto Index Fund Suggestions

Are any of you invested in crypto index funds? Not crypto indices on the stock market but on blockchain.

From what I can see there are tokens made of a portfolio of tokens (C20, DPI). There are also platforms which will do rebalancing for you but do not have a token (GVT, shrimpy, token metrics).

I prefer the former (holding an index token), because in my country crypto to crypto trades are taxable events, so the rebalancing platforms could cause a tax nightmare (in general they do the rebalancing on your exchange, and your tokens are also held on the exchange which is no good.

Are there are any index funds you’re aware of? Ideally reputable teams/companies.

submitted by /u/kiwisavercapital
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* This article was originally published here

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* This article was originally published here